Welcome to the website of the Parish of St Thomas of Canterbury, Fairford, and St Mary’s, Cricklade.
We are the Catholic community in Fairford, Cricklade, Lechlade and nearly thirty villages.
We have two wonderful churches in:
St Thomas (Fairford) and
St Mary's (Cricklade)
and lots of wonderful parishioners!
As well as the times when we come together to celebrate the Mass
you can find information about many other activities and groups, such as:
- Preparation for the Sacraments
- Activities for children
- Becoming a Catholic
- Coming back if you are a ‘resting’ Catholic
- Visits to the sick and housebound
- Supporting charities...
...There are also links
for the worldwide Church. Whether you are a visitor or new parishioner you are welcome. We hope you will find the information you require. Please feel free contact us if you have other questions.
For details about the pictures in the slideshow, and lots more photos of our churches and church activities please click here.
Parish Priest: Fr Michael Robertson